Vascular Surgery

The arteries and veinsm directly connected to the heart, play a crucial role in supplying oxygen and nutrieunts to various organs and tissues through the circulatory system. They also transport various waste products produced by tissues back to the heart for purification and recirculation. Vascular surgery is the specialized medical field dedicated to treating diseases that occur in these arteries and veins.

In the past, the prevalence of vascular diseases among the Korean population was relatively low compared to other regions, but since the 1980s, it has gradually increased, and now vascular diseases have taken on a similar pattern to heart diseases, possibly due to changes in dietary habits.

Vascular surgery is a specialized branch of surgery that diagnoses, treats, and researches diseases, congenital abnormalities, traumas, tumors, and other conditions that affect arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels throughout the human body, except for the cranial and cardiac vessels and the aortic arch in the chest.

The most common arterial diseases treated in vasular surgery include arterial occlusion due to artherosclerosis and aneurysms that expand like balloons and may rupture in the end. Common venous diseases include varicose veins in the lower extremities and venous thrombosis.

To diagnose and treat vascular diseases, vasular surgery collaborates closely with interventional radiology and employs various treatments, including surgical interventions and post-operative care, to reduce patient mortality and complications.

Among the diseases primarily handled are abdominal aortic stenosis or aneurysms, arterial occlusion, stenosis, aneurysms, Buerger's disease, carotid artery stenosis that can cause strokes, and vasculitis. In the venous system, vascular surger deals with conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, chronic venous insufficiency caused by venous valve abnormalitites, venous ulcers, and varicose veins in the lower extremities.