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신경두경부영상의학, 두경부영상의학. 두경부 및 갑상선 중재적 시술 (에탄올 경화요법)
울산대학교 (박사) 의학과2011.02
울산대학교 (석사) 의학과2004.02
조선대학교 (학사) 의학과주요경력
2013.01 ~ 현재
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서울아산병원 영상의학과 임상강사2009.01 ~ 2010.01
성균관의대 창원삼성병원 영상의학과 진료과장2005.01 ~ 2009.01
서울아산병원 전공의 수료학회활동
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한국과학기술단체 총연합회 28회 과학기술우수논문상2018.01
대한초음파의학회 우수연구상 부문 최우수상주요 논문 및 저서
Kim HY, Lee KH, Kim YJ, Lee HY, Kim GR, Jeon YS, Kim JS, Kim YS, Kim JH. Incidental paratracheal air cysts on thoracic CT and thier association with chronic inflammatory lung disease. Biomed Research International 20172017
Park JW, Lee KH, Cho SG, Kim YJ, Lee HY, Hong IK, Kim JH. Incidental thyroid nodules on thoracic contrast-enhanced computed tomography in clinical practice during a 10-year period: Characteristics, clinical outcomes, and factors contributing to further evaluation. Medicine 2017;96:e63882017
Woo AR, Lee HY, Lim MK, Kang YH, Cho SG, Choi SH, Baek JH. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Mumps Meningoencephalitis with Bilateral Hippocampal Lesions without Preceding Acute Parotitis: A Case Report. KJR 2017;18:378-3822017
Lee HY, Lee JH, Shin JH, Kim SY, Shin HJ, Park JS, Choi YJ, Baek JH. Shear wave elastography using ultrasound: effects of anisotropy and stretch stress on a tissue phantom and in vivo reactive lymph nodes in the neck. Ultrasonography 2017;36:25-322016
Kim JH, Lee HR, Kim R, Kim JS, Kim YJ, Lee HY, Lee KH. Airway centered invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in an immunocompetent patient: case report and literature review. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2016;8:250-254기타
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